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Jakarta: Stasiun Kota

September 2014 Kota Station was completed in 1929. It represented an era where the Dutch were finally starting to take their colonial...

Jakarta: gorengan

September 2014 One of my all time favorite street foods from the Indonesia years was "gorengan" (literally, "fried stuff"). I always...

Bukittinggi, West Sumatra

April 1997 One of our favorite places in Indonesia was the Minang Highlands around Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Brian and I had fallen in...

Jakarta: Cafe Batavia

Taman Fatahillah main dining room Sate down to the lobby. September 2014 Cafe Batavia was a total sensation in Jakarta in the mid to...

Bakalan: Reog

Bakalan, Central Java. March 1997 My friends in Bakalan, right on the border of Central and East Java, told me that there would be a...

Central Java: Candi Sewu

Candi Sewu, Central Java, Indonesia. April 2016 The Prambanan Plain under the ever-erupting Mt Merapi in Java is strewn with temples. ...

Pontianak, Kalimantan

Kapuas River, Pontianak. February 1997 Equator Monument, Pontianak. February 1997 (with Irfan my ex-student) The start of the Big...

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Observations of Life

"A stone with no moss" has been my motto.  My experiences and commentary from travels both near and far.  No hate, unfiltered.

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