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Bahamas: Freeport

Day Cruise from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport, Bahamas. Winter 1990. Cruise to nowhere, literally Thirty years ago, time share companies...

Morocco: Christmas in Tetouan

Feddan Park, Tetouan, Morocco. December 2019 Fish Tagine, El Reducto Restaurant, Tetouan, Morocco. December 25, 2019 Christmas in the...

Crossing the Strait of Gibraltar

.. Somewhere between Spain and Morocco, Strait of Gibraltar. December 2019 Passing between worlds without seasickness and a little help...

Spain: Tarifa

Calle Segismundo Moret, Tarifa, Spain. December 2019 Misiana Hotel and Restaurant, Tarifa, Spain. December 2019 The end of Europe The...

Spain: Algeciras

Rock of Gibraltar behind me, Algeciras, Spain. December 2019 The slow train to Green Island The plane landed late enough in Madrid that...

UAE: The Frame, Dubai

Dubai Frame from Zabeel Park. December 2018 Build it and they will come On visits to Dubai over the years, MWK and I took the metro to...

UAE: Dubai Canal

Helix Bridge, Dubai Canal. December 2018 Never say never - more questions than answers I imagine if I had been in Dubai 20 years ago...

UAE: Abu Dhabi

View from Kaser Al Amwaj, Abu Dhabi, UAE. December 2010 Two snapshots In the Jakarta years, Brian and I traveled back to the US via...

Italy: Via Latina, Rome

Via Latina, Rome. November 2016 [From FB Post: December 3, 2016] Once again, FB friends and family, thank you for patiently bearing...

UAE: Burj Khalifa, Dubai

Burj Khalifa, Dubai. December 2010 -est After expectations, superlatives might be the next most dangerous thing in life. Post...

Italy: Lago Fusaro, Naples

Casina Vanvitellania, Lago Fusaro, Naples. December 2018 The benefits of wandering I finished visiting the Baths of Baiae west of Naples...

UAE: Dubai Marina

Dubai Marina, UAE. November 2019 Build it and they will come On my first visit to Dubai, now 11 years ago, Dubai Marina astounded me. ...

Italy: Piazza Colonna, Rome

Column of Marcus Aurelius, Piazza Colonna, Rome. November 2016 How Marcus helped me survive Ramadan in Saudi Arabia By day three in...

Vatican City: the Vatican Museum

Vatican Museum. November 2016. Of managed expectations - almost Without a doubt, the Vatican Museum is in the "top museums" I have ever...

Vatican City: St Peter's Basilica

St Peter's Basilica, November 2016 The historical reverberations of place. The weather was cloudy and damp. November in Rome - not the...

Italy: Ostia Antica

Ostia Antica, the port of Imperial Rome. November 2016. Of fellow travelers, abandoned cities, and dictators. On a crisp autumn morning...

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Observations of Life

"A stone with no moss" has been my motto.  My experiences and commentary from travels both near and far.  No hate, unfiltered.

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