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  • Writer's pictureMatthew P G

Malaysia: Penang video shop

Lakshmi Video, Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia. January 2011


I just loved this sign. Lakshmi the Hindu Goddess of Wealth together with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. What a juxtaposition! Only in a cultural melting pot like Georgetown, Penang, Malaysia could you find something like this.

What of Jesus and Lakshmi? Well, they have some similarities believe it or not. Both are offspring of deities. Both came to the earth to save the world. Perhaps if they had a sit-down, they might have a lot to share with each other. At a divine version of Cafe Nero, maybe they already have.

Jesus came to earth as fulfillment of prophecy and to save mankind from itself. He preached love and compassion and ended his life in martyrdom for others. His position on wealth was not necessarily negative per se, but he taught more of a cautionary tale that as wealth increases, love for fellow man DECREASES proportionately. And the ticket to salvation was brotherly love in this world. He is part of a triumvirate that is the core of Christianity. He is the focus of Christianity's biggest holiday, Christmas.

Lakshmi returned to earth (after self-exile due to the selfish nature of others) to save the Gods from their demon foes and then to bestow good fortune and wealth on mortals who worked hard for it. Lakshmi is mostly misunderstood by outsiders - perhaps even by some of her devotees. She has absolutely no time for those who pray to her for riches who do not intend to work hard to earn them. She is part of a triumvirate of goddesses at the center of Hinduism. She is the focus of Hinduism's biggest holiday, Diwali.

It is interesting to look at them side by side and see such similarities yet striking differences. Jesus clearly was NOT about reward in this world in riches, but rather about us helping our fellow man in order to reap reward in the next. Jesus was a socialist. Lakshmi, on the other hand, was all about the reward for anyone who worked hard in this life. Let people enjoy the fruits of their hard work, sweat, and toil in this world. Lakshmi was a capitalist.

I have no idea about the history of that video shop in Penang, but having the names of those two religious figures on one sign totally stood out to me. Maybe Christian owners bought the shop from Hindus and didn't want to change the name? It sure gave me a lot to think about.

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