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  • Writer's pictureMatthew P G

USA: Maryland Heights

Maryland Heights, Maryland. November 1987

Favorite place, favorite photo

I think we all have favorite photos of ourselves and this is one of mine. Maryland Heights is the top of the cliff face across from Harper's Ferry, WV. It is one of my favorite views ever - like Yamadera, Japan; Candi Ceto, Indonesia; NYC from the Empire State Building; Hong Kong from Victoria Peak - for me, all incredible viewpoints - literally, places where I could sit for a very long time and be content to drink in the view and feel at peace. I once read a description about the confluence of the Shenandoah and the Potomac: "Harpers Ferry is where at long last after her journey northward, the Shenandoah breaks through the mountains to join her sister the Potomac and flow together toward the sea" (not exactly those words, but something akin to that). It is a place of great beauty and strong memory for me.

My first visit was with CC in the Gallaudet year. We had become fast friends at Gally and since she was from Frederick, I joined her on a few visits home where we then did some exploration. She was the first person to take me to Harper's Ferry (a little town I love) and also walk me up to Maryland Heights for the view. I loved it immediately. After the Japan years, I was back in DC for a tumultuous 15 months. During that time, I got to know Brian and we started taking day trips from Washington. He also knew about Maryland Heights and after visiting Harper's Ferry, we drove across the river, found a parking spot (probably the most difficult part of the journey) and hiked to the top. Brian must have taken the photo. I was happy in that moment because I had found a job (which was about to go WAY south unbeknownst to me) and I was embarking on a relationship with someone who was going to change my life completely!

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